Alright, now to continue with this goal (even though I am starting a day behind but, better late than never) I would like to talk about what my group and I have been focusing on this week. During our last meet up, we were able to get a clearer idea on our movie and plot, as well as our ideas for our film opening. One obstacle we were noticing is we do not really know much about how to pull of poker schemes and what some strategies are. So, we decided that we need to research some more on those.

While reading further into how to cheat on poker with partners the main component to successfully pull of this technique is to have good signals. The signs need to be subtle, yet repeatable as a way to be less suspicious and undetected by the other opponents. Some suggestions were to make signs like: where the chips are placed, taping on the table, blinking, coughing, or touching your eyes, ears, nose, neck, ect.
There is also the switching cards approach that I think we could incorporate into our film opening as well. My thoughts on this strategy is that our main character only uses this when it is his last option to win the game. He should always have an ace up his sleeve. (note pun)
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